"In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect decay. And unless it wants to break faith with its social function, art must show the world as changeable. And help to change it."

Ernst Fischer

lunedì 5 gennaio 2015


ESPERIMENTO CON TECNICA MISTA: Fotografia ed Acquerello.
"Colour's drops" ha come intento quello di legare alla terra d'Abruzzo i suoi abitanti (i soggetti delle foto) e la terra intesa come suolo. Polveri, Argille, Cristalli di gesso, Arenarie d'Abruzzo sono contenute nei pigmenti colorati delle "gocce di colore" abilmente saldate alle fotografie grazie ad un programma open source.

EXPERIMENT WITH MIXED TECHNIQUE: Photography and Watercolor.
"Colour's drops" has as its goal to tie to the land of Abruzzo its inhabitants (the subject of the pictures) and the earth understood as the soil. Powders, clays, gypsum's crystals, Sandstones of Abruzzo are contained in the pigments of "drops of color" skillfully welded to photographs through an open source program.

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